Saturday, May 2, 2009

A Lovely Bird Story

Hi David,

My husband and I saw your show in Peterborough this winter, and had such a wonderful time. I was the one who "whoooo whooed" (timidly) for Elphin. I do know the place quite well, my Dad lived next door to Vern and Judy Wheeler for 15 years. I've spent a lot of time wandering those marshes that back up to the village, and waiting for the first red winged blackbirds.

I was really affected by the incredible story about your mum and the birds. I am a birder by long habit and really do feel they are emissaries. I want to tell you my best bird story, because I feel like you are a person who can appreciate a good one. Your music is such sweet thing in our family's household, I just wanted to give you a little thing back, another bird story about beginnings.
Nine years ago, in spring, I was cleaning up in our meadow and suddenly felt quite awful and figured I better get back to the house and rest. As I went home I reflected upon the absense of my usual cycles and realized what the nauseous, exhasted feeling probably was; pregnancy. As I approached home my roomate came out on the porch in a panic exclaiming "there's a bird trapped in the kitchen and I can't catch it!" I went in and quickly caught the wee little winter wren. It sat stunned on my hand for a moment as I stood in the sunshine granting it's freedom, and then bolted off. Two weeks later my husband and I were sitting on the porch contemplating the positive pregnacy test I'd just completed. We were surprised and scared. As we talked about what we should do, whether we were ready, I said; "I wish I knew what a bird in the house means? That moment felt so significant." My husband replied " I don't know about that, but I know I've read somewhere that the wren symbolizes the soul of a child". At the exact moment those words came from his lips a winter wren came blazing out of the bushes and flew right into the side of his head! We stared at each other, laughing, knowing we'd been told: this spirit had to arrive. We took the leap and named our daughter Wren, which suits her perfectly.

Thank you for your beautiful stories and songs. I hope Australia is good to you and your homecoming sweet.
