I was on a long drive to pick my son up from college for Thanksgiving, and I was listening to and reflecting on “Ankle Tattoo.” During 2 summers while in college and then some in graduate school I earned my living working in Greyhound bus stations. And since I was an employee, travelling was nearly free and I traveled a lot by bus. So I saw my share of stations and patrons. “Ankle Tattoo” wonderfully caught many of the station sights, and the “regulars.” However, you missed one that was important to me.
For me the only thing that made working at the stations fun was seeing the reunions. People travel by bus, instead of by plane, because they have more time than money. Any you sensed, these reunions didn’t happen that often. Grandma coming to visit the family for a stay during the summer. The folks picking up the child for a Christmas break from college. A soldier coming home. The tears, the joys, the hugs, the laughter, the crying—and then everyone cheerfully leaving together.
I last worked at the bus station 30 years ago, but I still have visions of these reunions.
JS, Lakeville, MN