Sunday, April 8, 2007

Message from a Red-winged Blackbird

I hope you could pass this on to David in advance of his performance in Bellows Falls, VT with Dar Williams.

A few years ago in BF I shared with David my connection with the Red-Winged Blackbird. A male rw-blackbird landed on our balcony railing at just the precise moment when our minister, sister, and I were talking of my mother's gracious qualities of her life on the day of her death! The RW Blackbird looked into the living room for 2 minutes and then flew away. This is not typical behavior of this bird and I have always considered this to be an omen. The message from my dad who predeceased her - she's crossed the river and is fine. One month later when we spread her ashes in front of the house, the RW Blackbirds swarmed around the pond just when we spread her ashes. Ho.

So David's song of the Red-Winged Blackbird has extraordinary meaning for me, and I hope/ask it will be part of the program in BF.

By the way, my Grandmother came to the US from Ayr, Scotland when she was 10, and David came to Canada from Ayrshire when he was 10!!!

Already have the tickets for the 27th and looking forward to the performance. I'll be in my Campbell kilt.